Facial Aesthetic Price List
Facial Aesthetic or otherwise called cosmetic treatments are non-surgical procedures designed to combat signs of ageing, rejuvenate and refresh skin. They can be used on almost any part of the body but the most common areas the face, neck and décolletage.
Consultation Fee:
£50 ( Required before the treatment for all the new patients).
Anti-wrinkle treatment price
Upper face: One area £320
Two areas £350
Three areas £390
Lower Face: Bruxism/Jaw slimming £450
Neck bands/Nefertiti £350
Gummy smile £390
Filler treatment price
Lips Moisture boot + plump £320 0.55ml Ultra Smile Juvaderm
Mild enhancement + shaping £290 1ml Volite Juvaderm
Single lips £330 1ml Volbella Juvaderm
Around lips: Nasi-labial folds £330 1ml Volift Juvaderm
Lip creases(mild) £270 0.55ml Volift Juvaderm
Lip creases (mod/adv) £330 1ml Volift Juvaderm
Sad/lines (mild) £270 0.55ml Volift Juvaderm
Sad lines/shadowing (mod) £330 1ml Volift Juvaderm
Sad lines/Shadowing (adv) £350 1ml Volume Juvaderm
Cheek enhancement/mid-face lift £350 1ml Voluma Juvaderm
Temple enhancement £350 1ml Vulma Juvaderm
Killer jaw/lower face lift £350 1ml Volux Juvaderm
Creases around face Mild £270 0.55ml Volift Juvaderm
​ Mod/adv £330 1ml Volift Juvaderm